Mason Bee Slogan Winner

What an amazing contest!

The plight of the bee is a hard one. Bees are in danger of being wiped off the planet by pesticides and by the ever diminishing space for them to find food in our cities. Some are even on the endangered species list. We would like to say Thank You to each person who has taken the time to champion these beneficial creatures.

The Luckey Bee Farms Slogan Contest helped to raise awareness concerning the growing crisis that our native bees are facing. Every slogan was great and it was difficult to pick the best entry.

The Winner of the Mason Bee Slogan Contest (throws confetti) comes from Kayci Leach Amos (made by Catherine), posted on our Facebook page. Termination and Pollination Change the world in very different ways, Save the Mason Bee.  They get a t-shirt with their slogan and their names on the winning entry t-shirt, plus three more Bee t-shirts of our choosing. Congratulations. 

From the Luckey Bee Blog at, the runner-up is Laurie Shifflett for her entry, Cutest and Happiest little bee I ever did see, Gotta Love that Mason Bee. Laurie wins a Bee t-shirt of our choosing. Yay!

Also posted on our Facebook page, is runner-up Marjorie Lawrence for, Bees Lives Matter. Marjorie wins a t-shirt of our choosing. Way to go!

What else we can do to help

Tell your neighbors about the different kinds of bees. Native bees rarely sting. If living in a southern state, make sure your friends and family know about Africanized bees, and know what to do when Africanized bees are in their vicinity.

Protect our swarms! Call a professional who will find a place for the bees to live in the wild, or be re-Queened. A re-Queened hive can live at Luckey Bee Farms, or given to a bee hobbyist. Let your neighbors know about the benefits that all bees bring to our world.

Plant gardens with bee-friendly plants, or place bee-friendly flowers in potted plants around the outside of your living space.

Keep jars of foreign honey far away from our native bees, and honey bees. Honey bought from overseas contains bacteria and spores that are extremely harmful to our bees. Bees will try to forage any honey left behind in jars. Bees eating this honey will infect the native bee’s offspring or a whole hive of honeybees and could result in colony death. Rinse off these containers completely before you throw them away.

Thanks again for participating. We appreciate you!   


Killer Bees

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More on Bumblebees, Part one